Numerology: Calculating The Essence Number If you are having trouble viewing this email, click here. Ravinder, Essence numbers are complex calculations (so bear withus!) that are used to describe important transits in anindividuals life. In this case the cycle is based on the indiivdual's name rather than the birth date (as was the case with the Pinnacle Number that was discussed in previous newsletters.) Essence numbers describe dominant demanding influences orwhat seems to permeate the general atmosphere throughout anumber of years. The interpretations define what is most inneed of attention or focus during that numbered year. This method of calculating transits begins at birth withthe first letter of your birth name, the first letter ofyour middle name and the first letter of your last name.These values are totaled and define the Essence of youryear from birth to age 1. We then go on to calculate theEssence of each year of the life. The best way to learn this method is to jump right into itso here is the worksheet you will be using. Keep in mindthis work sheet can extend for as many years as you want itto or just a period of years.... It depends on what periodof a person's life you want to examine. Note that in the chart below F M L is where you will beentering the values for the First, Middle and Last Names Year Age(from-to) LetterTransit LetterValue Essence ofTransit(total to a single digit) F M L F M L Notice that in the above example that you could extend foras many years in the past or the future as you want (justnot before birth.) Usually a professional would expand thischart to span 70 or 80 years or he or she would isolatejust a few years that a client specifically wanted areading about. You could a span of 70 years if you like butfor the purpose of this example we have only done four toshow you what the Essences chart that you will be doingyour calculations in should look like. First fill in the following: Year: Start with the year of birth and calculate thetiming as if the year begins on the birthday (not January 1). Age: Start with the age at from birth and then fill it inas you go down. Begin with 0-1, then 1-2, and so on. Letter Transits: Insert the letters of the first nameunder the letter F, middle name under M, and last name under L. Repeat the letters of name as explained here. Letter Values: Insert the numeric value of the numbers in the letter transit. Essence of Transit: To come up with the total add the numeric value of the numbers in the letter transit together and then reduce them to a single digit. You'll need to recall those letter values, so here is chartfor easy reference: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z You must place the letters of your name on this worksheet.Begin with the first letter of your first name. Each letterin this name will last a number of years (from 1 to 9)depending on its numerology number designation. In the interest of keeping this lesson short and sweetlet's use a very simple name for this example: Sue AnnDunn and lets say she was born in 1960 and we want to do achart for her from birth to age 20. Thus, if the first name is Sue we would note that the firstletter S it is valued at 1 year. This would be placedunder the F (for First Name) column for one year. Next we notice that the value of U is 3. U would be filledin under the F column for the next 3 years. This would befollowed by the value for E, which is five years. When theend of the name is reached you then start repeating thecycle at S. You would then repeat the same process for the Middle (Ann)and Last name (Dunn), finding the number values and usingtheir value to find the length of the transit and alsotheir numerological value. In the end the chart would look like this Year Age(from-to) LetterTransit LetterValue Essence ofTransit(total to a single digit) F M L F M L 1960 0-1 S A D 1 1 4 6 = 6 1961 1-2 U N D 3 5 4 12 = 3 1962 2-3 U N D 3 5 4 12 = 3 1963 3-4 U N D 3 5 4 12 = 3 1964 4-5 E N U 5 5 3 13 = 4 1965 5-6 E N U 5 5 3 13 = 4 1966 6-7 E N U 5 5 3 13 = 4 1967 7-8 E N N 5 5 5 15 = 6 1968 8-9 E N N 5 5 5 15 = 6 1969 9-10 S N N 1 5 5 11 = 11 and 2* 1970 10-11 U N N 3 5 5 13 = 4 1971 11-12 U A N 3 1 5 9 = 9 1972 12-13 U N N 3 5 5 13 = 5 1973 13-14 E N N 5 5 5 15 = 6 1974 14-15 E N N 5 5 5 15 = 6 1975 15-16 E N N 5 5 5 15 = 6 1976 16-17 E N N 5 5 5 15 = 6 1977 17-18 E N D 5 5 4 14 = 5 1978 18-19 S N D 1 5 4 10 = 1 1979 19-20 U N D 3 5 4 12 = 3 1980 20-21 U N D 3 5 4 12 = 3 * Notice that values that add up 11 and 22 will have twointerpretations - ones for the master numbers and ones for2 and 4. You next step would be to evaluate the chart by examiningthe interpretations for each number and then looking at thetotal values and seeing how long these influences last in aperson's chart. In the next newsletter you will be receiving the basicinterpretations for the Life Essence numbers. Then in thenewsletter after that we will come back to this shortfictional chart to show you how to identify major periodsof transformation in a Life Essences Chart. Until next time... Yours in Numbers, Mike Copyrights © 2014. All Rights Reserved. This email was sent to by 14525 SW Millikan Way # 28110 Beaverton Oregon 97005-2343 United States Edit Profile | Manage Subscriptions | Report Spam
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