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Brain Training: The London Cab Drivers Study |
London cab drivers have to take 'the Knowledge', a rigorous test that takes 3-4 years of memorizing a complex maze of 25,000 streets and 1000s of landmarks. A 5 year research study reveals that the intense training leads to the drivers' bigger-than-average memory and spatial navigation center, the hippocampus. It indicates that you can make significant changes in the brain with training. So get to it! |
Train your brain in just 5 minutes per day. Do you want that promotion? Or you want better grades? Whatever your cognitive goals are, Fit Brains Premium will help you achieve them...faster. |
Up to 40% Off Full Access Training |
Upgrade with up to 40% off off a Premium subscription. For as little as $3.75 per month, you'll have unlimited access to all 60+ games, 180+ training exercises, personalized tools and reports and more! Isn't your personal and professional growth worth it? Act soon before offer ends. |
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Happy Brain Training! |
The Fit Brains Team |
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